Wednesday, August 27, 2008

More spacetokens at Oxford

Expanding the spacetokens at Oxford showed that the dpm-updatespace command has to have integer values so for 4.5T use 4500G

/opt/lcg/bin/dpm-updatespace --token_desc ATLASMCDISK --gspace 4500G --lifetime Inf

I used Graemes script to setup the ATLASGROUPDISK permissions after the reservespace command:

/opt/lcg/bin/dpm-reservespace --gspace 2T --lifetime Inf --group atlas/Role=production --token_desc ATLASGROUPDISK

Graeme's script:

[root@t2se01 ~]# more

DOMAIN=$(hostname -d)

dpns-mkdir /dpm/$DOMAIN/home/atlas/atlasgroupdisk/
dpns-chgrp atlas/Role=production /dpm/$DOMAIN/home/atlas/atlasgroupdisk/
dpns-setacl -m d:g:atlas/Role=production:7,d:m:7 /dpm/$DOMAIN/home/atlas/atlasgroupdisk/

for physgrp in exotics higgs susy beauty sm; do
dpns-entergrpmap --group atlas/phys-$physgrp/Role=production
dpns-mkdir /dpm/$DOMAIN/home/atlas/atlasgroupdisk/phys-$physgrp
dpns-chgrp atlas/phys-$physgrp/Role=production /dpm/$DOMAIN/home/atlas/atlasgroupdisk/phy
dpns-setacl -m d:g:atlas/phys-$physgrp/Role=production:7,d:m:7 /dpm/$DOMAIN/home/atlas/at

ATLASDATADISK space was increased to 15TB
dpm-updatespace --token_desc ATLASDATADISK --gspace 15T --lifetime Inf

ATLASLOCALGROUPDISK was created and setup:
/opt/lcg/bin/dpm-reservespace --gspace 1T --lifetime Inf --group atlas --token_desc ATLASLOCALGROUPDISK

dpns-mkdir /dpm/

dpns-chgrp atlas/uk /dpm/
dpns-setacl -m d:g:atlas/uk:7,m:7 /dpm/
dpns-setacl -m g:atlas/uk:7,m:7 /dpm/

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